So we have a theme - we're going on an adventure "Around the World". And we came up with some cool invitations (boarding passes - can't say I came up with the idea myself - the internet is a very handy tool!). Little people have said they're coming and now begins the hard part. Menu, games, cake, prizes, agh.
The thing is, I pride myself in not making waste. I hate the plastic kitch the children get in loot bags. I despise loot bags. They're wasteful and not at all environmentally friendly. So the last time we had birthday parties we made cookies (biscuits/bikkies). Beautiful butter ones that we iced ourselves. It was a LOT of work. I'd done it for my middle girl's 3rd birthday and so was obliged to do it for her sister's 5th but by then the baby was crawling and though I wasn't working it was not easy and I vowed that I would NEVER do it again.
Planning a birthday party when you're not working full time is tricky. Doing it when you are seems downright impossible (I know it's not, but at this point I'm still at the bottom of the hill mountain looking up). So the question now is what do I do for prizes and "loot"? We're going around the world. I thought we'd visit China where they could paint a paper lantern/do something with chopsticks. Then we'd visit Italy/Mexico where they could make pizza/tacos (and eat them). Then Australia where we'd play a game (haven't figure out which one yet). We'll go to India where my sis-in-law will apply some henna (have to get permission from the mums before I firm up this one!)
And finally we'd head to "Treasure Island" for a Treasure hunt. I thought perhaps I could put some back to school supplies in the Treasure chest. But the truth is, children have all that stuff. Way too much of it. Erasers, pencils, stickers, markers, crayons, we have them coming out our ears. They're happy for a minute and then it's discarded for the next thing. Sigh. How do you teach children to be appreciative? To value what they do have? Perhaps I should just get a bunch of change and put that in the treasure box. Can I do that?
The party will be fun. I'm obviously someone who waits until the last minute to sort these things out. I've got until Saturday at 5p.m. before the first guest arrives. I'm not at all artistic and my creativity is limited (thank goodness for the internet!). I love designing and making the cake. It can be fun. It will be fun. Really.
I've been hesitant about blogging. There's a level of anonymity that I want to maintain and it feels like the world is so small I'd get found out. And then there's my state of mind. It hasn't been very positive of late and really, who wants to be around a wet blanket. If you're working hard in real life to maintain a certain level of togetherness and happiness it's difficult to do that in your writing and thoughts as well. I have to say though this venting thing might work for me. I've been invigorated. I have some fresh ideas. Onward and upward. This party will be awesome. Yay!